In a 2013 study by Harris Interactive, it was estimated that 3 in 4 Americans have digestive dysfunction. Sadly, it was also estimated that less than 50% of patients discuss this with their primary care doctor, meaning that a majority of digestive dysfunction remains untreated. This is devastating to hear as we are learning more and more about the brain-gut connection and how critical our digestion is to both our physical and mental health. An unhealthy gut can affect your immune system, cause skin problems, disrupt hormones, contribute to disease, and impact mental health. Often, addressing gut health corrects many other issues you may be experiencing.
Not ready to schedule a full Functional Health Intake Consult, BUT super curious about your GUT HEALTH.
Check out my LAB SHOP
You can choose from lab tests from the best Functional Medicine companies in the USA. Testing can help you get an accurate picture of what's going on with your gut health.
Look carefully at the test of the different bundles. Then you can self-order the test that you feel is right for you.
The test will be shipped directly to your address and you will receive instructions on how to complete the test and mail it back for evaluation.
You will receive an email with the results from Rupa labs, and a video from me further explaining the results and the next steps.
Having a hard time deciding what test to order?
Schedule a Virtual Functional Medicine Consult first and I can help you decide which tests are most appropriate.
Self-schedule a Virtual Functional Medicine Consultation Intake appointment today!
Bloating? Constipation? Gas? Indigestion?
Schedule a Virtual Initial Functional
Medicine Consultation Today!